Making a Positive Impact

Many nature photographers are already making incredible contributions and positive impact on the natural landscape. Simon Baxter, a UK based woodlands and nature photographer, and Nature First member, has partnered with Trees for Life to create Meg’s Grove – conserving the native Scots Pine in the Caledonian Forests of Scotland. To date, the project has sponsored over 1400 planted trees. And anyone can contribute at the link above.

“Ever since visiting and photographing the Caledonian Pine Forests north of the Great Glen, I’ve recognised the importance of protecting and expanding the native Scots Pine for ourselves, the natural habitats and future generations. I’m passionate about exploring and photographing these magical places, so I’m excited to do my bit so your support in building Meg’s Grove is very much appreciated.” – Simon Baxter

You can find out more about Meg’s Grove and see some of his outstanding images on his blog, Making a Positive Difference to the Landscape. Simon also has a fantastic Youtube channel, and has produced an episode about making a difference featuring Joe Cornish.


Nature photographers, like Simon, are making a difference. Each individual contribution, big or small, globally or locally, can make a positive impact on our natural landscapes.

Nature First – Join the movement.
