News & Events

Everybody is an Influencer
In nature, everybody is an influencer. Help protect and preserve the natural world. Use your influence to promote responsible nature photography, for everyone.

Protecting the Birds of the Waddenzee
Dutch conservationist organisations have joined forces to educate photographers and others about the birds of the Waddenzee.
The Waddenzee, a tidal mudflat area that runs all along the northern coast of the Netherlands and extends as far as Denmark, is a unique habitat listed as one of UNESCO’s World Heritage sites.

Interview with Bob Luijks
When Bob Luijks agreed to let himself be interviewed for Nature First, I couldn’t have been happier. Bob is not only a passionate nature photographer who leads workshops and trips, but also editor-in-chief of Natuurfotografie magazine and a popular series of handbooks and guides for nature photographers, so one of the more influential voices in the Dutch photography world.

Developing a Sense of Place
During the pandemic, many people rediscovered nature as a welcoming escape from sheltering at home. People hiked local trails, walked around their neighborhoods, or simply sat outside observing nature in their own backyards. For me, it was a time when I dusted off my camera and rediscovered my passion of capturing beautiful images outside.

Meet Jonathan Fearer – Nature First Ambassador
Jonathan made the Pacific Northwest his home about a decade ago and has fallen in love with its geographical and geological diversity ever since. He predominantly uses a traditional large format view camera creating images that show nature for what it is, expressing himself while retaining the integrity and splendor of the wilderness.

Meet Madeleine Lenagh – Nature First Ambassador
Originally born and raised in the United States, Madeleine has lived in the Netherlands since 1970. At the present, she is near Haarlem and the North Sea coast. Madeleine is primarily a landscape photographer who looks for beauty in the simple and mundane. She joined Nature First in 2019, distressed by the damage her fellow photographers cause to the landscape and to wildlife and their habitats.

The Importance of Water
The importance of water is crucial for the life of all living beings that inhabit it. This natural resource allows the proper functioning of the biological processes of ecosystems and, in turn, ensures the survival of all animal and plant species that inhabit our planet. The largest ecosystem on Earth is basically water.

Meet Daniel Mîrlea – Nature First Ambassador
Daniel Mîrlea is a Romanian professional nature photographer focused on nature conservation. Currently, he works and collaborates with conservation NGOs like WWF Romania, Rewilding Europe, and Conservation Carpathia. He is also the Vice President of the Romanian Nature Photography Association called FORONA.

Meet Richard Birchett – Nature First Ambassador
Richard Birchett is a published and award-winning British wildlife and conservation photographer based in Cornwall, England. He spent the previous 22 years in the UK military as a survival specialist. Richard adapts his skills as a pathfinder, allowing him to track, stalk, and photograph wildlife in all environments.
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