News & Events

Interview with Andrea Gulickx

Andrea lives with her husband in a lovely house with an abundant flower garden in the village of IJzendoorn in the Betuwe. The village is protected by a high dike, right on the river Waal. The river, with its floodplains and woodlands, is an important source of inspiration for her photography. So important that she devoted her first published photo book ‘De Waal Bewogen’ to it.

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Interview met Andrea Gulickx

Andrea woont met haar echtgenoot in een sfeervol huis met prachtige bloementuin in het dorpje IJzendoorn in de Betuwe. Het dorp ligt, beschermd door een hoge dijk, pal aan de rivier de Waal. De rivier met haar uiterwaarden en rivierbossen is een belangrijke inspiratiebron voor haar fotografie. Zo belangrijk, dat ze er haar eerste gepubliceerde fotoboek ‘De Waal Bewogen’ aan gewijd heeft.

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Interview met Ruud van der Bliek

Toen ik recentelijk een oproep deed voor nieuwe teamleden, meldde Ruud zich meteen aan. Ik was blij met zijn enthousiasme, zijn nuchterheid, en de manier waarop hij kijkt naar zijn praktijk als reis- en workshopleider. Tijdens een gezellig lunch heb ik hem uitgehoord over zijn werk en over Nature First.

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Nature First and NFTs

What’s a responsible nature photographer to do? Is it ethical for nature photographers to create and sell NFTs for income? The guidance from Nature First is very much related to our thoughts on nature photography and climate change. All nature photographers should take responsibility for learning about the environmental impact of their actions, and carefully consider how they can limit and reduce their own individual impact.

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Reconsidering our approach to Landscape Photography

I have not been writing much lately. It is easy to produce a quick article to meet an editor’s deadline, but it is not so easy to write something worth saying. Will it just add to all the other noise that is already out there? That is always the fear—and I find the same applies to the production of photographs, which is why there are times in my own photography practice where I don’t shoot anything seriously for months at a time.

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The Imperative to Become an Ambassador for Nature

I’ve been a nature photographer for over 25 years. I have an intrinsic appreciation for wild and natural places and the creatures that inhabit them. I made that appreciation the focus of my undergrad education, having earned a degree in Ecology & Evolution but also having taken just about every course that the University of Pittsburgh offered relating to nature and the study of the natural world.

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To the Roads Less Traveled…

A few years ago while on a road trip across the American West I decided to stop and photograph the iconic Mesa Arch in Canyonlands National Park. (Original, I know…) Admittedly, I was a little hesitant in doing this – I’d heard horror stories of altercations breaking out between jostling photographers, and knew that the location turns out dozens of near identical sunrise images every single day. You have to admit though, that scene is pretty spectacular; and a respected workshop leader had urged that I at least shoot it once for myself. So I decided to give it a go.

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