News & Events
Sarah Marino in On Landscape: “7 Principles to Reduce the Individual & Collective Impact of Nature Photography on Wild Places”
Nature First founding member Sarah Marino just published a new story in the online landscape photography magazine “On Landscape” — and we wanted to share

Where we stand today — and where we are going from here!
An overview of the first few months since Nature First’s founding, and an outlook where we are planning to go from here.

Meet our international members! Today: Emily Endean, United Kingdom
Emily Endean specializes in landscapes, nature and people. She usually chases the light and the weather around Dorset and Hampshire, near the coastal town of

Making a Positive Impact
Many nature photographers are already making incredible contributions and positive impact on the natural landscape. Simon Baxter, a UK based woodlands and nature photographer, has partnered with Trees for Life to create Meg’s Grove – conserving the native Scots Pine in the Caledonian Forests of Scotland.

Irresponsible Behavior – What to do?
Soon after we launched the Nature First movement, we started hearing stories about the irresponsible behavior of some nature photographers. Of course, these stories and

Thoughts from Mike Prince
UK based photographer, Mike Prince, writes about his thoughts on Nature First and ethics in nature photography. Read it here – Nature First Alliance. From

Ben Horne on Nature First and the 7 Principles
Ben Horne is a talented photographer, YouTube vlogger, and Nature First member. He recently published a video discussing Nature First and a great overview of the 7 principles.

Nature First – An Introduction
This area six miles back from the trailhead had been trampled by far too many feet. But why had they been to this remote location? How did they even know about it? It then dawned on me, causing me to feel almost ill: I had published numerous photos of this area, shared the location online, and then told everyone who asked where this area could be found. The flowers were gone because of me. Unwittingly I had helped to destroy one of the most beautiful fields of flowers to be found in Rocky Mountain National Park.
Have a good idea for a Nature First article? Want to be published here? Learn how to submit an article to Nature First.